Tuesday 3 May 2011

Wow! Do you know that Osama bin Laden was not wanted for the 9/11 attack?

Yes. Osama bin Laden was not the most wanted man for the 9/11 attack.

Osama bin Laden was the most wanted man for the earlier attacks on US embassies in Africa and the attacks on US barrack in Dhahran which killed over 200 people.

Monday 2 May 2011

Wow! Do you know that whale used to have legs?

Yes. Whale used to have legs.

Whale is an air breathing, warm-blooded, give birth to young, large and big-brained mammal. Whale is not a fish, whale is a mammal. But the big question is how did a mammal live entirely in water when it should be on the land?

Whale is of the order of Cetacea with dolphin and porpoise and cetaceans are the only mammal that live entirely in water because it is the descendants of land mammal. This is proven by their needs to breathe air from the surface, the bone of their fins which resemble the limbs of land mammals and the vertical movement of their spines, a characteristics more of a running mammal than of the horizontal movement of fish.

So, what does a whale look like million years ago? IT HAS LEGS.

